U10X: Leverage Your Genetics


With our Premium 6-panel Genetic Report we dive deep into the genes/epigenetics associated with risks in appetite & satiety, insulin resistance, dairy, gluten, glutamic acid, snacking, addiction potential, carbohydrate propensity, fiber needs, fat intake and risks associated with cardivascular & neurological issues, protein ingestion, and metabolism. 

From these we can determine, based on your genetics, how and what you should be eating along with potenial risks from not eating according to your genes.


Whether you now your methylation status or not we dive deep into what basic supplements you need to test for and what forms you should be taking: Vitamins B12, B6, A, Selenium, Magnesium, Choline, C, E, D, K, Folate, Thiamine, Copper, Zinc, and Iron. Along with how your body responds to Nitric Oxide and metabolizes Caffeine. 

Learn if you are an over or under-methylator and what additional tests need to be run to determine your bio-specific supplement needs.


Most adults require approximately 8 hours of sleep per 24 hours, but there can be substantial differences among individuals. Sleep needs may range from about six to nine hours. 

The circadian rhythms generated by our internal biological clocks vary from individual to individual; most clocks run slightly longer than 24 hours, while some run slightly shorter.

Individual differences in normal sleep requirements and circadian rhythms are likely to be genetically determined: special considerations looking at restless leg syndrome and narcolepsy.


One of the hot topics in healthcare today: Hormones. Within the Premium report we are able to observe issues with production, cell receptor propensity, autoimmunity potential and detoxification to Thyroid, Melatonin, Cortisol, Estrogen, Metabolism, Testosterone, SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin), Luteinizing hormones & Dihydrotestosterone (DHT); along with checking on bone density metabolism and Vitamin D receptors.

For many clients it can be seen within the genetics why they have varying epigentic hormonal issues and why either bio-identical or pharmaceutical prescriptions are not helpful.

Environmental Detox

Environmental pollutants, endocrine dysruptors, plastics, off gassing of construction materials, and "sick"buildings all tax our ability to clean out our system correctly.

With the Premium 6-Panel test we look closely at your predisposition to methylation, estrogen metabolism & detoxification of medication, anesthetics, acetominophen, and NSAIDS. Along with how well our glutathione system works and the strength of our mitochondria in decreasing oxidative stress to our cells. We are able to observe your susceptability to mold, Lyme disease, pollution, histamine, and mercury.  

Athletic Performance

For the athlete or bio-hacker here is where the rubber hits the road so to say. The genetics for performance define not only what type of exercise you are designed to do but what you will excel at: Strength/Power, Endurance or a combination of the two.

Hacking your genetics to optimize performance in life and sport by increaseing your VO2 Max, resting metabolic rate (RMR) and active metabolism, cardiac output, muscle strength, recovery, power and endurance. It can be observed how your tendons, ligaments and cartilage are at risk for injury along with potential for lumbar disc and rotator cuff issues.  

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