Regular Price $947.
Special Offer at $797.
Together we will review your results to include:
The information we can glean from your DNA is priceless. Our program analyzes over 750,000 SNP's (genes). The report is on roughly 500 specific genes that research shows are of excellent predictors for health. Whether you're battling a health issue or not, this information is vital to a better understanding who you are and how you're made. This allows us to optimize what you eat along with how your environment is effecting your epigenetics.
As we both say "Genetics load the weapon and the Environment pulls the trigger". Now imagine if you knew what bullets were in the weapon. You could know how to change the environment so that trigger NEVER gets pulled?!
That be amazing information to have!
From your genetic and genomic data, we can help determine:
It’s as easy as 1-2-3
1. Send Your Sample
2. Get Your Results
3. Meet With Your Coach